Gary Halvorson is an American director of television shows, series and film. He directed the following Two and a Half Men episodes:
Season 1[]
Season 2[]
Season 3[]
- "Weekend in Bangkok with Two Olympic Gymnasts"
- "Principal Gallagher's Lesbian Lover"
- "Carpet Burns and a Bite Mark"
- "Your Dismissive Attitude Toward Boobs"
- "We Called It Mr. Pinky"
- "Hi, Mr. Horned One"
- "Sleep Tight, Puddin' Pop"
- "That Voodoo That I Do Do"
- "Love Isn't Blind, It's Retarded"
- "My Tongue Is Meat"
- "Ergo, The Booty Call"
- "The Unfortunate Little Schnauser"
- "The Spit-Covered Cobbler"
- "Golly Moses, She's a Muffin"
- "Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Burro"
Season 4[]
- "Working for Caligula"
- "Who's Vod Kanockers"
- "The Sea is a Harsh Mistress"
- "A Pot Smoking Monkey"
- "A Live Woman of Proven Fertility"
- "Apologies for the Frivolity"
- "Repeated Blows to His Unformed Head"
- "Release the Dogs"
- "Corey's Been Dead for an Hour"
- "Kissing Abraham Lincoln"
- "Walnuts and Demerol"
- "Don't Worry, Speed Racer"
- "That's Summer Sausage, Not Salami"
- "I Merely Slept with a Commie"
- "It Never Rains in Hooterville"
- "Smooth as a Ken Doll"